What is the Swedish Tourism Innovation Center?
The Swedish Tourism Innovation Center (STIC) is a platform focused on driving innovation, sustainability, and growth within the tourism industry. It connects stakeholders from various sectors—including the tourism industry, academia, government, and the private sector—to foster collaboration and develop innovative solutions for the future of tourism. The Center’s work includes developing and sharing best practices, conducting research, and supporting entrepreneurship within the tourism sector.
STIC aims to address the challenges and opportunities faced by the tourism industry through innovation, promoting sustainability, digital transformation, and creating economic value in local and global contexts. Its activities include hosting innovation labs, workshops, and conferences, as well as offering support for creating new models and partnerships that can improve tourism practices.
Delivering lasting results
The long-term value of the Swedish Tourism Innovation Center (STIC) lies in its ability to drive sustainable growth and transformation within the global tourism sector. By fostering innovation and collaboration across borders, industries, and sectors, STIC helps shape a tourism industry that is resilient, adaptive, and inclusive.
The Center’s commitment to innovation in sustainable tourism, digital transformation, and entrepreneurship ensures that tourism businesses can meet evolving consumer demands and environmental challenges in the future.
Vision and mission
By facilitating knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and the development of new technologies, the Center plays a crucial role in setting industry standards and best practices. STIC’s ongoing work will continue to shape policies, improve local economies, and promote a more sustainable tourism ecosystem, positioning the sector for success in a rapidly changing world.
Signatory av Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
Swedish Tourism Innovation Center är en stolt signatär av Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, vilket innebär ett aktivt engagemang för en hållbar och ansvarsfull utveckling av turismsektorn. Genom denna åtagande följer vi de etiska riktlinjer som fastställts av FN:s världsturismorganisation (UNWTO) och arbetar kontinuerligt för att främja en inkluderande, miljövänlig och socialt ansvarsfull turism.