Erasmus + Paths to Peace

Youth Doing Tourism While Advancing / Peace and Development (acronym P2P)

Partner Organisations


Paths to Peace (P2P) aims to train 50+ youth as Peace Building Advocates, using tourism to address social divisions in conflict-affected areas. P2P seeks to promote intercultural understanding, youth engagement, and tourism-led solutions for sustainable peacebuilding. We will do this by offering industry insights and real life experiences of peacebuilding challenges, co-creating 10 peacebuilding proposals and creating a long term network of youth advocates and stakeholders.


P2P will deliver four work packages. WP2 focuses on researching peacebuilding challenges and gathering actionable insights from tourism & peace building leaders. WP3 includes 4 hybrid workshops and training to equip youth with peacebuilding skills through tourism. WP4 entails mentorship and group led proposal development, culminating in a hackathon where youth present their proposals. WP5 focuses on the sustainability of the project by establishing a long-term network of Peace Building Advocates.


P2P will deliver the Global Peace Perspectives Roadmap, 10 Paths to Peace proposals, a major Hackathon with 100+ stakeholders, and a scaleable Mentorship Roadmap. These resources will be made openly accessible on our website and social media channels, reaching over 1,000 youth workers, educators, and stakeholders directly. The project will also build and sustain a network of 50+ Peace Building Advocates ensuring ther continued implementation of youth led, tourism based peacebuilding solutions.

The target groups of the project

Young People

Our primary target group is young people aged 18-30 from conflict-affected or socially divided regions such as Ukraine, Cyprus, and Ireland, but also young people from partner countries interested in peacebuilding. We will target those facing socioeconomic barriers to education and employment, as well as those already engaged in social activism and peacebuilding. They will participate directly in WP2 research and WP3 workshops, acquiring skills in conflict-sensitive tourism, intercultural understanding, and community engagement.

WP4 will empower 100+ youth to co-create and present 10 P2P Proposals at a high-profile hackathon. An additional 1,000+ youth will be engaged through WP5’s dissemination activities, inspiring broader involvement in peacebuilding and civic actions using tourism as a platform.

Youth Workers and Educators

Professionals in non-formal education, training and youth empowerment, this group will benefit from resource development in WP2 and WP3, 30+ will be engaged directly throughout the project. They will gain innovative ideas and ways to incorporate tourism and peacebuilding cinto their youthwork and mentorship, enhancing their capacity to guide young people effectively. Partners with experience in youth engagement will also play a pivotal role in the mentorship programme, ensuring that young participants are well-supported throughout the project.

Peacebuilding and Tourism Stakeholders

This group includes representatives from tourism businesses, NGOs, peacebuilding organisations, and CSOs. They will contribute expertise to WP2’s Global Peace Perspectives Roadmap and participate as attendees, judges and advisors during WP4’s hackathon. Their involvement is crucial for validating and scaling youth-led initiatives, ensuring that project outcomes are relevant, sustainable, and embedded in the wider community and professional practices.